Zero Hour: How to Sight-In Your Rifle

Ensuring that your optic is perfectly dialed in with your rifle is critical to shooting success. Here are Melissa Bachman's step-by-step instructions.

posted on December 28, 2021

One of the most surprising aspects of how rifles work for many new gun owners is the fact that, even if a rifle comes out of the box with a scope already mounted, it probably won't hit exactly where you're aiming until you sight-in the gun and optic. You may have also heard it referred to as "zeroing" or "zeroing in," and it's a critical part of your ability to be accurate with your rifle. 

In this terrific video starring Winchester pro staffer (and NRA Women contributor) Melissa Bachman, you'll learn the procedure for sighting-in your rifle and riflescope. It's actually quite easy to do; all you'll need is your usual range gear, your new rifle/optic combination, a few cartridges and under half an hour on the range. This procedure will help ensure that your bullets impact your target even at long ranges, which is important on the firing line—and absolutely critical while hunting.


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