Winchester Deadly Passion: Decoy Deer With Melissa Bachman

Deadly passion, indeed! This week's episode proves how adding a decoy to the mix brings in the biggest bucks.

posted on August 19, 2021

Archery season will be upon us sooner than you know, and Winchester Deadly Passion's Melissa Bachman is ready. In this week's episode, she heads to the cradle of America's biggest whitetails in pursuit of Nebraska's biggest, most wily and well-educated bucks. What can you do to maximize your chances of success when you're limited to shots of 40 yards or less? In Bachman's experience, one of the best tricks is to use that buck's own "deadly passion" against him. 

“On this hunt, I wanted to use a decoy, which has proven successful to me in the past for bringing big bucks closer,” shared Bachman. “Not only do I spray myself down with Scent Killer Gold, but also the decoy I’m using as they often get downwind!”

Excited about putting some of Melissa's tips to work for yourself? Decoying deer has some do's and some don'ts ... so if today's sneak peek video won't hold you over until the episode drops, be sure to check out Bachman's detailed article with more how-to hints.

Tune in for an all-new episodes of Winchester Deadly Passion, Season 10, on Sportsman Channel Sundays at 11:30 a.m. ET for the rest of this exciting episode!


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