If your planned outdoor adventure has you muttering Indiana Jones’ famous quote, “Why did it have to be snakes?” Danner Boots is here to tell you that you don’t need to fear the serpent in the grass ... nor do you need to sacrifice your comfort. The Danner Women’s Wayfinder Snake Boots are designed to give you peace of mind with surefire fang-stopping technology, while giving you the range of motion you need to walk, stalk and hunt comfortably even in rattlesnake territory.
You don’t have to be an ophidiophobe to want a good pair of snake boots. Although the vast majority of the venomous snakes of North America want nothing to do with human beings—we’re much too large to eat—they will strike if they feel threatened by a hiker or hunter making accidental contact. What’s more, we’re learning that many rattlesnakes seem to be evolving to not rattle their characteristic warning . So if you’re planning to spend time exploring in snake territory, a “better safe than sorry” approach to protective footwear might be your best bet.
Speaking of bets, although I’m not particularly snake-phobic myself, I personally put my money where my mouth is last year on a Texas adventure hunting javelina and Rio turkeys last April.
I'd felt a bit silly about splashing out for my Women’s Wayfinder Snake Boots, in part because I hadn't had the time to break the boots in at all, and snake boots are famously stiff and difficult to walk in.
I was pleasantly surprised to discover that even right out of the box, the boots were quite flexible and comfortable. Hunting boots generally give me blisters as a matter of course, but even after three days of walking and stalking in the Texas heat my tootsies were unblemished. Danner's marketing says the flexibility is due to a SnakeGuard fabric that's sewn in between the liner and exterior of the boot, and that the comfort is due to using a true women's "last," which is essentially the model around which the boot is built.
At around $200 MSRP, these boots are an investment ...one you’ll be glad you made the next time that “stick” on the side of the trail starts to rattle. Click here to learn more, or to purchase!