Since our website launched in 2020, has been reporting that women continue to be the fastest-growing segment of new gun owners. In 2020 alone—at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic—the country welcomed 8 million women into the ranks of gun owners.
But it wasn’t a fad or short-lived trend by any stretch. Since then we’ve seen unprecedented growth in women gun ownership. For more recent proof of this, check out this FOX News story about a boom in gun sales at a Del Rio, Texas, gun shop that’s only a seven-minute drive from the U.S.-Mexico border. According to the report, gun shop owner Gary Humphreys says he has seen a rise in fathers bringing their daughters to purchase pistols.
"In the last three years, it's been really interesting how the trend has changed from men to women. And a lot of women are asking about handguns,” said Humphreys. (; 9/3/24; Del Rio, Texas)