A 21-year-old woman broke into an elderly couple’s home one night, seemingly randomly. The 72-year-old male resident got into a physical altercation with the intruder. This prompted the 69-year-old female resident to retrieve their firearm. In fear for their lives, she fatally shot the woman attacking her husband. The homeowners were not charged, but police are still investigating the reason why the woman targeted their home. (Cleveland19.com, Olmsted, Ohio, 09/20/21)
A Montana woman met with her ex-husband one evening after he had threatened to hurt one of their children. The man had a long history of domestic violence and physical abuse. At this meeting, he attacked and attempted to rape the woman. She shot him in self-defense, but Montana prosecutors attempted to charge her with deliberate homicide. However, the judge subsequently dropped the charges. Hilary Shaw, director of the Abbi Shelter, a domestic violence shelter where the accused woman works, said, “It gives voice to Rachel; it gives voice to survivors of domestic and sexual violence. It shows them that the system can sometimes work for them.” (nbcMontana.com, Kalispell, Mont., 05/27/21)