The Armed Citizen® October 9, 2020

A woman’s ex-boyfriend, who was under a No Contact order, broke into her home through the back door.

by posted on October 9, 2020
NRA Women The Armed Citizen Drawing A Pistol

An elderly woman was shocked to find a man, whom she had given temporary shelter to in the past, in her bedroom one Saturday evening. The woman’s history with the man stemmed back to a period of time when she allowed him to stay with her as an opportunity to break a drug addiction. However, the woman kicked him out after he once again began abusing drugs. To make matters worse, the woman discovered he was hiding a knife that he had taken from her kitchen. Fearing for her life, she retrieved a firearm and held him at gunpoint until police arrived. The intruder attempted to evade responding officers by jumping over a backyard fence, but police apprehended him and booked him in jail. The homeowner was unharmed. (, Texarkana, Ark., 06/25/19)

A woman’s ex-boyfriend, who was under a No Contact oder, broke into her home through the back door one morning. Fearing for her life, she was able to retrieve a firearm and fire at him before he could harm her. The ex-boyfriend succumbed to his wound in the home. The county prosecuting attorney’s office deemed the shooting justifiable, thus the woman was not charged. (, Little Rock, Ark., 01/11/20)

A hearing-impaired woman was in her home one evening when a man broke in. Upon noticing him, she quickly reached for a firearm and yelled at him, ordering him to leave. The man ignored the warning and advanced toward her, at which point she fired at him once, fatally wounding him. (, Rock Island, Okla., 09/23/19)


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