A woman was in the parking lot of a medical center one morning when a man she had a restraining order against approached her. She told him to leave, but he ignored her demand and approached her a second and third time. As a last resort and in fear for her life, she drew a firearm and fired at him, then ran into the hospital. The man did not sustain any gunshot wounds and was able to drive away. When officers attempted to pull the man over, he refused and hit another car. Police chased him down and arrested him, charging him with multiple crimes. The operator of the second vehicle was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. His bond was set at $50,000. (ksdk.com, St. Louis, Mo., 08/19/20)
A man with an extensive criminal record got into a verbal argument with a woman at a backyard bonfire one night. The man picked up a rock chisel and advanced toward the woman in a threatening manner. She drew a .22 and ordered him to stop, but the man continued moving closer. Fearing for her life, the woman fatally shot the aggressor in the chest and called police. It was determined that the woman was acting in self-defense, thus no criminal charges were filed. (CJonline.com, Topeka, Kan., 06/20/20)