A woman was sitting in a dark parking lot when four men ambushed her, ordering her to exit her vehicle. One pointed a gun at her while another climbed into her passenger seat. The thugs demanded her phone, keys and wallet. Little did the would-be thieves know but the woman herself was armed, and she was able to draw her own gun. She struggled with the man in the car and the armed mugger until they finally backed off. However, the armed man attacked again, and she fired a shot at the assailants. The men fled the scene and the victim was able to call the police. None of the aggressors were hit, but the woman was OK. (TheBlaze.com, Sebring, Fla., 07/30/21)
While out on bond for violating a protection order, domestic violence by strangulation and third-degree domestic violence, the same offender attacked a woman. However, this time she was armed, and fired at the suspect multiple times, fatally wounding him. (whnt.com, Toney, Ala., 07/12/21)