A 20-year-old man was fatally shot by an armed woman walking her dog after midnight in Dale City, Va. At around 12:25 a.m. the woman was approached by the man, who was wearing a face mask and armed with a handgun. In what police later cleared as a justified self-defense shooting, the woman shot the assailant, who was transported to a hospital, where he later died of his wounds. Police have since linked the handgun carried by the assailant to several 7-Eleven store robberies. “Following the investigations into this robbery series, all known evidence indicates the deceased was responsible for all five incidents,” said First Sgt. Jonathan Perok, Prince William County police spokesman. (Prince William Times, Dale City, Va., 07/22/21)
A man broke into an occupied residence around 1 a.m. on a Friday. After gaining entry through the front door, the residents—a man and woman—fired at him, hitting him multiple times. The intruder stumbled back out onto the front lawn, where medics later found him in critical condition. There were multiple children inside the house at the time of the shooting, all of whom are safe thanks to the couple’s quick action. (wkyc.com, Toledo, Ohio, 08/20/21)