A woman who was followed home by a man at night is safe, thanks to being situationally aware—and having access to her own handgun. According to reports, the incident happened around 8 p.m. when the woman was returning home after leaving a Taco Bell restaurant. She noticed the man follow her in his vehicle. Surveillance video corroborated the woman’s story, showing a Dodge Caravan pull into her driveway, then the driver attempting to force his way into her home through the garage door. The woman dialed 9-1-1, then defended herself with her handgun, critically injuring the assailant. Neighbors reported hearing multiple gunshots and screaming, thus they also quickly notified 9-1-1. When police arrived they discovered a 35-year-old man with gunshot wounds lying inside the woman's garage—with a loaded pistol next to him. The man was taken to hospital, where he remains in critical condition and charged with burglary. (fox4news.com; DeSoto, Texas; 11/11/24)