A 62-year-old man broke into the home of a 31-year-old woman shortly after 6 p.m. The homeowner, a licensed concealed-carry holder, discovered the intruder in her house and shot him in the foot. The man is facing charges for breaking and entering and resisting arrest. The homeowner was not harmed. (Fox32chicago.com, Chicago, Ill., 04/22/20)
A woman’s ex-boyfriend broke into her home through the back door one morning. The homeowner, who had previously filed a restraining order on the intruder, was able to retrieve a firearm and shoot the man before he could harm her. The ex-boyfriend died in the home. The homeowner is safe and facing no charges, as the shooting was determined to be justifiable. (KArk.com, Little Rock, Ark., 01/11/20)