A manager of a Des Moines, Iowa, apartment building thwarted the kidnapping of her daughter, thanks to the fact that she was armed. The building is situated near a homeless shelter, which is located near a public skywalk. The manager had observed two people repeatedly walking in front of the apartment building’s main door, prompting her to finally open it so she could inquire if there was a problem. It was then that one of the persons grabbed her child, who had come to the door with her. After a struggle, the manager drew her firearm and ordered them to “let go of my kid.” The couple complied and walked away. Local media reported that Sergeant Paul Parizek of the Des Moines Police Department said, “It certainly looks like the big turning point here, the pivotal piece to keeping her child safe was the fact that she was lawfully armed with a handgun,” he said. Police were able to get an identification on at least one of the suspects by the local security guard. (who13.com; Des Moines, IA; 1/10/23)