A woman was doing yardwork outside her home in the early morning when she was startled by a loud noise. Her phone then alerted her that the security system had picked up movement near her carport. The woman retreated into her home only to find a strange man standing in her kitchen. She repeatedly ordered him to leave, but he wouldn’t move. The woman retrieved a firearm from another room and returned to find the man had armed himself with a large kitchen knife. The intruder aggressively advanced toward her, forcing her to shoot him once in the abdomen. The intruder survived and underwent emergency surgery. Upon his release he was remanded to jail after being booked on suspicion of first-degree burglary and aggravated assault. (azcentral.com, Mesa, Ariz., 09/24/20)
A woman, on her way to visit her family, was attacked—punched, kicked and bitten—by a woman who believed she was romantically involved with her boyfriend. The victim denied the accusations, but the beating continued. Terrified for her life, she drew her legally concealed firearm. The aggressor attempted to take the gun, so the woman fired at her, causing a wound that halted the attack. The victim immediately called authorities and cooperated with police upon their arrival. The attacker was taken to the hospital and treated for the gunshot wound that caused a collapsed lung. Both women will make full recoveries. The aggressor will face charges, while the victim, who was deemed to have acted in self-defense, will face no charges. The district attorney told the local press, “If you’re going to go after someone like that, you’d better be aware that there are people out there who are armed legally.” (MCall.com, Easton, Pa., 08/17/20)