Whether you’re ready to change up your concealed carry location for summer or you’ve just decided to start carrying, The Well Armed Woman’s (TWAW) most popular concealed carry locations in 2020 can give you an idea of where to start. While different holsters and positions are better for different circumstances and outfits, it’s no surprise that the top holster for women last year was an inside the waistband (IWB).
IWB feels like the most natural and secure place to keep a firearm you could need at a moment’s notice. Thirty-five percent of the more than 5,000 women surveyed carry their firearm in an IWB holster. This is great news, because IWB is an easy place to draw from and it keeps your firearm properly concealed.
Coming in a close second was purse carry at 32 percent. Although this method of carry has certain security considerations, if you have these 3 Things, you can manage it safely. Summertime brings unique challenges to carrying concealed with fewer layers and lighter clothing, so a purse might be your only option to stay armed and safe.
The third most common place Well Armed Women carried their guns in 2020 was on their waist by means of a belly band or wrap holster. At 18 percent, it’s a drop from the top two positions but still up 6.6 percent from two years ago. Belly bands require some extra practice, but with special concealed carry tops and other flowy options, it can be ideal for summer.
Next in popularity was an outside the waistband (OWB) holster—another great spot, just harder to conceal. A concealed carry tank top or underarm holster only makes up two percent, but this position can be a very comfortable option. Just remember to practice your draw in whatever outfit you wear over it!
The bra, pocket, leggings, thigh and undershorts holsters each represented one percent in this survey. These are niche carrying locations that you might use in a specific situation or with a certain outfit. They all take some getting used to, but can be ultra-concealable options.
The ankle and fanny pack holsters both have less than one percent, but the more concealed carry options, the better! Every person has their own comfort, skill and commitment levels to carrying concealed. Remember to practice your draw at the range and in each specific outfit you wear. The most important thing to remember is that although these 5,000+ women have different carrying setups, they’re all well-armed and staying safe.
Check out The Well Armed Woman site for additional "deeper dive" information on the women who participated in the 2020 survey.