Women For Gun Rights Joins SAI in Wreath Laying Ceremony

The ceremony, in recognition of Constitution Day, took place at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

by posted on September 25, 2024
Women For Gun Rights Wreath Laying Lede

In recognition of Constitution Day, Women for Gun Rights (WGR) joined the Second Amendment Institute (SAI) on Sept. 20, 2024, in a wreath-laying ceremony at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. WGR leaders honored those who remain nameless and made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard the U.S. Constitution.

WGR Founder Dianna Muller and Regional Director Staci Claunch laid the wreath flanked by Tyler Yzaguirre, president of SAI, and Cheryl Todd, who is the WGR Arizona state director and SAI Board member.

“On Constitution Day, we remember the men and women who answered the call of duty and sacrificed their lives to protect and defend everything that we hold dear,” said Cheryl Todd. “Thanks to the service of these brave patriots, we enjoy rights and freedoms that are simply unmatched throughout the world.”

Staci Claunch, Navy veteran added, “Today, we not only lay a wreath upon The Tomb of the Known Solider, but we also re-affirm our commitment to protect the constitutional rights that these men died to protect. By safeguarding the Second Amendment, which is fundamental to freedom, hardworking Americans can protect themselves from crime, violence, and tyranny.”

“We want to thank the Second Amendment Institute for allowing us to participate in this powerful event,” said Dianna Muller, Founder of WGR. “The impact of today cannot be overstated and I am so humbled—and energized—by this incredible experience.”

Join or support Women for Gun Rights efforts at womenforgunrights.org.

Women for Gun Rights is a nationwide organization of women committed to safeguarding the Second Amendment. A non-partisan initiative of daughters, mothers and sisters who believe education is the key to firearm safety and violence prevention, not legislation. The group counters the disinformation circulated by gun control groups by informing friends, families, communities and legislators with the truth that gun rights are human rights.




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