We Love It: Hoyt’s Eclipse Women’s Compound Bow

Our bodies are different … and our bows can be, too.

by posted on November 6, 2020
Hoyt Eclipse 1
Images courtesy Hoyt.com

What happens when an archery company designs a compound bow from scratch especially for women? The Eclipse, that’s what. Hoyt Archery’s latest compound bow was designed to offer ease of use without sacrificing efficacy. The Eclipse weighs an impressive 3.7 lbs. and measures 29” axle-to-axle. While light, it doesn’t sacrifice stability. Hoyt put the Eclipse through a rigorous 1,500-shot dry-fire test to ensure it’s up to their high standards.

The grip is comfortable and ergonomic, allowing for consistent shots. With a 60 lb. and 28” drawback allowing 314 feet per second, the Eclipse is one of the fastest bows with the shortest draw lengths available. You’re guaranteed maximum power for whatever draw length—23½” to 28”—you choose.

Undoubtably lean, agile and strong, the Eclipse is smart too. Advanced Shock Pods, Limb Shox and Stealth Shot all work in tandem to absorb vibrations and quiet noise for the ultimate silent and shock-free bow.

These impressive features are coated in Edge camo by Realtree, the world’s leading camouflage designer. Not only will the Eclipse perform at the highest level, it can withstand even the most brutal conditions and disappear into the trees at close range. MSRP $899; Hoyt.com.



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