Karen Bartuch, president and founder of the Women's Tactical Association, demonstrates a smooth pistol draw.
The Ruger RXM design borrow elements from the Glock Gen3, which makes some components compatible with Glock-pattern parts.
The unforgettable nine-day event celebrates hunting, fishing and the outdoor traditions treasured by millions of Americans.
That's a lot of 22s in that headline. Watch this video from our friends at American Rifleman to understand just what's going on with the design.
The latest from Rost Martin is the RM1S, which is a compact version of the RM1C pistol. Watch our video here.
Cooking up some football food ahead of the big game? Try these wild game recipes to kick up your party-food game.
Which was the most popular shotgun in America in 2024? Checkout the Top 10 list here, as compiled by GunGenius.