Outside isn’t dangerous. But it isn’t safe either. You could die backpacking alone, or you could die slipping in the shower. The wilderness is no different than everyday life and the cruel realities that go with it. Accidents happen. There are harmful people out there. However, women can live their lives however they choose, and yet we still receive the most pushback when attempting to recreate outside by ourselves.
While women are targeted more than men by sadistic strangers, it doesn’t mean you have to knit inside by the window all day. Here at NRA Women, we have an advantage over other outdoors sites, and it’s that we can encourage you to carry a gun when recreating outside.
Refusing to Be a Victim extends beyond carrying your groceries to your car in an empty parking lot. When spending time alone outdoors camping, fishing, cycling, hiking, etc., you should be prepared with not only your tent, rod or other gear, but also with your gun.
I think that owning a firearm gives me a certain freedom that other people don’t understand. Yes, I’m going out into the wild alone. I’m an experienced outdoorswoman with all the proper equipment; why shouldn’t I go alone? Because other people may target me? Because a snake could bite me, and no one would be there to help?
While being outdoors comes with certain risks you can avoid by bringing a buddy, it doesn’t mean you can’t experience a night under the stars alone. If you stay smart, aware of your surroundings and armed, there’s no reason you need to wait on others to adventure outside.
In my opinion, with preparedness, toughness and a firearm all things are possible. Sometimes connecting with nature means venturing out solo, and no one should make you feel irresponsible for that. Just remember to check your state carry laws depending on where you are recreating.