Pyramyd Air has kicked off its Sick of COVID Challenge to encourage customers to enjoy trigger time with loved ones while getting out some pent-up pandemic frustration.
Customers can receive a free (plus shipping) set of Sick of COVID stickers and targets and enter to win exclusive prize packages by sharing how they enjoy their trigger therapy after a long two years of Rona talk. Whether it’s an action-packed film, creative candid, or an interesting story, Pyramyd Air wants to hear how shooters are showing they’re Sick of COVID. Pyramyd Air will award $5,000 worth of shopping sprees to winners plus weekly giveaways throughout the two-month campaign.
The Sick of COVID Challenge will run from Feb. 7 through April 7, and winners will be drawn after the campaign concludes. For the official rules and to learn more about the Sick of COVID Challenge, visit pyramydair.com/soc.