Welcome to NRA Women’s week in review!
At the top of our lineup this week is, of course, the aftermath of the 2020 elections. Although many things are uncertain, one thing we know for sure is that freedom faces an uphill battle in the months and years ahead. America’s 1st Freedom reports on it here.
The good news is that we NRA Women have faced adversity and triumphed before, and we will again. NRA Women are tough, smart and (most importantly) brave. So it’s no error that Shoot Like A Girl’s 2021 tour is called “Home of the Brave.” Welcome home, brave woman.
NRA Women also never quit. The Women’s Outdoor Media Association’s (WOMA) She Never Quit (SNQ) event is the perfect chance to try new things, make new friends and shoot some guns in 2021. You won’t want to quit.
Ever heard of trigger therapy? Of course you have … but what about antelope therapy? Our friends at American Hunter tell the therapeutic tale of one woman’s epic first speed-goat hunt. Ahh, that’s better.
It’s not that crooks are always dumb. Sometimes it just turns out that the women they’re trying to attack are (surprise, surprise) smarter or tougher than they are. Enjoy some “critical failures in the victim selection process” courtesy of NRA Family with the funny felon fails listed here.
Guns played a vital role in America’s settlement and expansion, and American women were no strangers to their use—and even their manufacture and repair. Both the necessity to hunt and the need for protection from the sometimes hostile native culture made firearms a crucial component in the American experience. Read about the “silk and steel” of America’s frontier women here.
As we’ve acknowledged on this site, it’s not always possible to have a gun with us, whether because of inconvenience, local laws, or the fact that some of us don’t feel well-trained enough to carry concealed. Looking for a less-lethal option? We review the PepperBall Compact here.
One of the main misconceptions about people who work in the shooting-sports industry is that everyone gets paid to shoot. The reality is that the remainder of folks work hard every day so that others can enjoy the shooting sports. Christina Loudenslager is one of those folks, and she’s got one cool career. Is it for you?