NRA Women: #SpeakYourTruth

Follow along as we travel across the country in the NRA Women race car—an attention-getting “visual voice” for our values.

by posted on September 7, 2021

Covid may have halted the 2021 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. The mainstream media may attempt to silence us. Our opponents stop at nothing to cancel us. But NRA Women will never be deterred! Oprah’s not the only one who gets to speak her “truth.” This is our time to speak OUR truth, and America can’t help but hear and see us now.

Follow along as we travel across the country in the NRA Women race car—an attention-getting “visual voice” for our values. After all, America can’t help but see us in this eye-catching, impossible-to-ignore mobile billboard.

Then join us as we meet inspiring NRA Women who are speaking up and speaking out about what the Second Amendment, and the NRA, means to them. You’ll be inspired. You’ll be surprised. You’ll be moved to tears. And most of all, you’ll be proud to be part of this powerful sisterhood of American women defending our freedom and our rights every day.

Want to share your 2A story? We’d love to hear from you!











Agag Texas Statehouse
Agag Texas Statehouse

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