NRA Women Instructors: Transforming Gun Owning to Gun Ownership

Owning and ownership aren’t the same thing. NRA Women instructors make the difference.

by posted on July 12, 2021
Heidi Rao Instructing Woman On Pistol Range 2

Few causes have such a direct impact on our lives, children, grandchildren and the future of our country as the Second Amendment. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of women who own guns is rising rapidly. But what about gun ownership? Gun owning and gun ownership aren’t the same thing. Here’s what I mean.

The concept of owning something versus taking ownership of something is more than just semantics and word play. These are real words that have real meanings.

The word “owner” means “a person who owns something.” The word “ownership” means “the right over owning something.” Once we enter the context of “gun ownership,” we stop talking about a mere physical possession and start talking about taking an active role in our own safety.

When the number of new firearm purchases being made by women began to increase, I listened to the concerns of these new gun owners. Many said they felt uncomfortable taking firearms training from male instructors. When their training was complete, they described themselves as merely gun owners. They typically were told why they needed a firearm instead of why it was their right and their responsibility.

It was not until I saw the number of NRA Women Instructors increase that I saw the attitudes of women who owned firearms transform from owners to ownership. It is the women of the NRA who made this possible. All NRA Women, not just instructors, can take credit for this change in attitude. NRA Women recruiters, educators, writers and mentors are all part of this incredibly special club.

When I first started my career, I observed the hesitation of women to purchase firearms, practice at the range, and take firearm training courses. But now, women are purchasing firearms, heading to the gun range, and seeking out training. Even better, women are now actively seeking out women instructors as the idea of women teaching women in the proper use of firearms becomes mainstream.

NRA Certified Firearms Instructors are considered the foremost authority in firearms instruction, and for good reason. The certification process through which an individual must go is intense and thorough. Instructors are trained in proper techniques, practical applications, theoretical applications—and judged on their attitude. I have known many NRA Instructors. I have also attended many NRA Instructor Classes—some for certifications; some to observe different styles to help me make my classes better. NRA Firearms Instructors are the best in their field and, without a doubt, NRA Women Instructors are the best of the best! 

NRA Women are some of the most interesting, diverse and exciting people in our nation. I have never met an NRA Woman who was not some type of community leader, whether formally or a behind-the-scenes Second Amendment advocate. Many of these NRA Women are vocal public proponents of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Some are soccer moms who own a firearm solely for the protection of their families. Others are first-time gun owners and new NRA members. But there is one thing that binds every NRA Woman: When it comes to firearms, they are always proud to declare, “I am the NRA.”

We’re mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends, business owners, college students, hunters, target shooters and non-shooters, but we all respect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Together, we share a passionate desire to protect our freedom and preserve it for future generations. If you think you would make a good instructor, we bet you’re right. Take that step. Become one of the Best of the Best! The more NRA Women Instructors we have, the more women we can reach. Click here to get started.



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