NRA Women Announces 2025 Golden Bullseye Award Winners

While most of the awards are given for new innovative products offered by the firearm, ammunition and optics industries, they also include awards that recognize individual contribution to freedom and the shooting sports.

by posted on January 3, 2025
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For the 23rd year, NRA Publications is pleased to announce the winners of the 2025 NRA Golden Bullseye Awards. While most of the awards are given for new innovative products offered by the firearm, ammunition and optics industries, they also include awards that recognize individual contribution to freedom and the shooting sports.

“These awards have become the most prestigious in the entire firearm industry,” said Deputy Executive Director of NRA Publications Michael J. Sanford. “I have watched the Golden Bullseyes go from a concept more than two decades ago to the most in-demand awards, truly worthy of NRA and its members. I appreciate the time and energy put into not only reviewing these guns and accessories for NRA members, but the process the editorial staff goes through in judiciously selecting them.” Once editors make their selections, they are reviewed by the management of the NRA Publications Division, which will transition to NRA Media next year

Golden Bullseye Awards are selected by the staffs of “NRA Official Journals” American Hunter, American Rifleman and Shooting Illustrated across a series of categories for each magazine. There also two product awards from the editors of NRA Women (, as well as an “Industry Woman of the Year.” This year‘s recipient is renowned shotgun coach Anne Mauro.

Last year, NRA instituted the “Freedom Award” bestowed by the editorial staff of America’s 1st Freedom. This year’s recipient, Camp Compass founder John Annoni, has literally saved lives.

For 2025, NRA instituting a new Golden Bullseye award, decided upon by the editors of Shooting Sports USA, NRA’s magazine for competitive shooters, and that is the “Competitor Award.” It’s inaugural recipient is a legendary competitor and trainer, Rob Leatham.

The NRA Publications Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award specifically honors outstanding personal achievement. The Pioneer Award spotlights the exemplary achievement and cumulative body of work of an individual, or members of a family, team or partnership, responsible for the development and introduction of shooting equipment that has made a profound, positive and enduring impact on the way Americans shoot and hunt.

The 2025 recipient is Robert L. “Bob Scott, chairman of the board for Smith & Wesson, Inc. “If it were not for Bob Scott, there may not be a Smith & Wesson,“ said NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Doug Hamlin. “Certainly not the thriving, healthy company of today. Thank you, Bob, for keeping this American tradition alive.”

The 2024 Golden Bullseye Awards as well as the Pioneer Award and the Freedom Award will be presented in person at an invitation-only event during the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Atlanta, Ga.

To qualify for consideration for a Golden Bullseye Award, the product must have been:

  • Recently introduced and available to consumers prior to the selection of the Golden Bullseye Awards
  • Used/tested by a staff member or regular contributor to the magazine and/or affiliated media
  • Reliable in the field, meeting or exceeding the evaluator’s expectations
  • Innovative in design and function
  • Readily perceived as a value to the purchaser
  • Styled in a manner befitting the shooting and hunting industry and, perhaps more importantly, its enthusiasts.

NRA Women 2025 Golden Bullseye Awards

Gun of the Year
Ruger American Rifle Generation II

Industry Woman of the Year
Anne Mauro

Ammunition of the Year
Federal Premium Defense Hydra-Shok Deep .32 Auto

Other Golden Bullseye Award Winners include:

American Rifleman 

Rifle of The Year
Smith & Wesson Model 1854

Shotgun of The Year
SDS Arms MAC 1014

Handgun of The Year
Colt Blued Python

Tactical Product of The Year
FightLite Herring Model 2024

Optic of The Year
Burris Eliminator 6

Ammunition of The Year
Winchester .21 Sharp

Accessory of The Year
Wyoming Sight Drifter

American Hunter 

Rifle of the Year
Browning X-Bolt 2 Speed SPR

Shotgun of the Year
Benelli Ethos Cordoba A.I. BE.S.T.

Handgun of the Year
Ruger Super Wrangler

Ammunition Product of the Year
Winchester 400 Legend

Optic of the Year
Trijicon Credo HX 1-10X 28 Riflescope

Gear of the Year
Leupold RX5000 TBR/W

Shooting Illustrated 

Handgun of the Year
Taurus 327 T.O.R.O.

Rifle of the Year
Primary Weapons Systems UXR

Shotgun of the Year
Mossberg 940 PRO Tactical Thunder Ranch

Optic of the Year
Leupold Mark 4HD

Ammunition Product of the Year
Hornady 22 ARC

Suppressor of the Year
SilencerCo Spectre 9

Accessory of the Year
Garmin Xero C1 Pro Chronograph

America’s 1st Freedom

Freedom Award
John Annoni (founded Camp Compass Academy)

Shooting Sports USA

Competitor Award (new for 2025)
Rob Leatham

2025 NRA Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award
Robert Scott, Chairman of the Board, Smith & Wesson




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