Today, the White House announced a new Executive Order to protect and expand the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. This is the first action taken by President Donald J. Trump to carry through on his promise to restore the full protections of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for the American people.
“Promises made to law-abiding gun owners are being kept by President Donald J. Trump,” said Doug Hamlin, NRA Executive Vice President and CEO. “NRA members were instrumental, turning out in record numbers to secure his victory, and he is proving worthy of their votes, faith, and confidence in his first days in office.”
The order directs the Attorney General to conduct a report and make recommendations to better protect the Second Amendment. Specifically, the order requires the Attorney General to evaluate actions taken by the Biden Administration that restricted firearms rights and recommend solutions to undo those actions.
President Trump has gone further than simply moving toward eliminating the anti-gun actions of the last administration. The order further requires the Attorney General to take an all-of-government review to further enhance firearm rights by addressing the litigation position of the United States in any case impacting the Second Amendment, reviewing government classifications of firearms and ammunition, and evaluating wait times for various federal approvals that are required to make, manufacture, transfer or export firearms and ammunition.
“After a long four years, law-abiding gun owners no longer have to worry about being the target of an anti-gun radical administration,” said John Commerford, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). “NRA looks forward to the advances and restoration of our rights that will come from President Trump’s respect for the Constitution.”
The order is a monumental win for gun rights in America and a clear statement from President Trump that he intends to uphold his promise to protect Constitutional freedoms.