The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) has announced that $100,000 will be available in 2024 for the Hunters for the Hungry (HFH) subsidy program. Hunters for the Hungry is an initiative supported by the National Rifle Association to give back to communities by supplying thousands of meals to the needy throughout the country. The NRA works closely with state programs/affiliates to put interested individuals in touch with programs in their area and foster public awareness through education, fundraising, and publicity. Since the program’s inception, Hunters for the Hungry has brought millions of pounds of venison to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and food banks across the United States.
“I want to thank the generous donors that have made this opportunity available, which allows the Hunters’ Leadership Forum to be able to support this very worthy cause,” said Peter Churchbourne, Managing Director of the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum and NRA Hunting Division. “Hunting as a food source is very important to so many families in the United States and we are honored to be a part of that process.”
Subsidy payments, up to $2,000 each, are available to established Hunters for the Hungry programs. Awarded subsidies are available immediately and can be applied for here.
There are approximately 40 unique Hunters for the Hungry/Hunters Sharing the Harvest groups working in the United States that operate on shoestring budgets trying to get donated game meat from the field to a butcher and then onto to those that need it. The NRA encourages hunters to donate to those programs both financially and through the donation of harvested game meat.
To find where you can donate meat in your area, visit hfth.nra.org.