Every January, the world's most famous manufacturers of guns and ammunition descend upon Las Vegas, Nevada for the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show. There they unveil the new products you'll be seeing on shelves over the coming year. Winchester Ammunition is "Primed for 22" with an exciting new lineup of ammo perfected for self-defense. In fact, there's so much new on tap from Winchester that the venerable company is releasing the news of their latest innovations day by day. Here's what we've learned on Day One!
Silvertip .22 Win. Mag.
Winchester's Silvertip line has been around for quite some time, but the addition of the .22 Win. Mag. chambering is definitely of interest for women who rely on a .22 for self-defense. Although most defensive experts agree that the .22 round is underpowered for defense, there are ways to maximize the impact of this rimfire round. The jacketed hollowpoint bullet was engineered for short barrels, and with a 40-gr bullet weight it delivers more terminal impact than traditional .22 ammunition.
Defender 12-Gauge, #2 Shot
As you may guess from the name, this new shotshell was engineered specifically for home defense. Winchester perfected the chambering with copper-plated lead shot in the #2 size, which offers more manageable recoil without sacrificing significant terminal energy. Less recoil means faster follow-up shots ... should they be necessary.
USA Ready Defense 10 mm
The 10 mm has had its ups and downs among shooters, but these days are definitely "up" for those in the know! Why? As many defensive experts agree, this caliber offers ideal stopping power simply based on its ballistics. Winchester has maximized the self-defense potential with a unique bullet that incorporates what the company calls Hex-Vent technology. Originally developed for law enforcement, the Hex-Vent bullet design won't clog with "barrier material" such as winter clothing, so it expands reliably on target.
Keep an eye on this space for more innovations from Winchester for 2022!