If you an NRA Women who bypasses a weekend of Netflix binging in favor of the many outdoor reality shows that feature some of the world's best hunting videos and outdoor personalities, you likely at one point have imagined what it would be like to have a camera crew document your every move as you chase game, spot and stalk, sit in a blind, or await your opportunity to bag a trophy buck.
Have a tag for the fall 2021 hunt season? You might just make that dream of hearing your own narrative whispered as you wait to press trigger on your rifle or release the draw on your bow a reality, as Leupold has launched its Project Hunt contest, offering one lucky hunter the chance to have his or her fall 2021 hunt filmed and shared across Leupold’s digital media platforms.
“It’s your tag, your hunt, and your story. You plan the hunt. You call the shots,” Leupold said as it announced the contest. Leupold sends the videographer, and a limited series or short film about the hunt will be produced by Leupold, to be released on YouTube in 2022. The selected hunter will also receive a complete Leupold optics kit.
“No one is more relentless than the members of the Leupold Core,” said Bruce Pettet, president and chief executive officer for Leupold & Stevens, Inc., “Project Hunt is going to prove that. Tell us what you’re hunting, where you’re hunting, and why your story is unique. If you’re selected we’ll help you tell it, whether you’ve drawn the tag of lifetime or plan to hunt over-the counter.”
And while we can’t guarantee you’ll become the next Melissa Bachman or Eva Shockey, if selected, you’ll have your unique hunt story showcased by one of America’s leading brands in sport optics, optical accessories and performance eyewear.
While you must go to Leupold.com/ProjectHunt-Official-Rules for the official details, we do know this: The deadline to enter is August 1, 2021—so there's not much time. Entries must be submitted at Leupold.com/ProjectHunt. A 2-minute video explaining why your submission should be selected is required to enter. The Project Hunt contest is open to United States residents only, and only United States based hunts will be considered.
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