If you don’t know who Lena Miculek is, allow us to introduce you: She’s the pro shooter so fast and accurate that even Jerry Miculek—who is, yes, her dad—is impressed. If you don’t know what The Gundies are, a quick primer: The Gundies are annual community-voted awards that spotlight the world’s best firearm-centric content creators and influencers. So what does it take to win a Gundie?
Well, Lena has more than 135 major wins and eight world titles in five different disciplines. She’s one of the top female 3-Gun competitors in the world. These days, she has turned her steely gaze on pistol caliber carbine (PCC) competition, where she dominates the leader board. Sponsored by CrossBreed Holsters, Mossberg and shooting for Team SIG, Lena Miculek also received a SHOT Business "40 Under 40 Award," which recognizes young leaders in the firearms industry.
The Gundies aren’t awarded by gun manufacturers; they’re straight from the firearms community—e.g., you. Categories include “Breakout Creator of the Year”; “Most Likely to Survive an Apocalypse”; “Best Gun Reviewer” and others. How does Miculek feel about her fan-driven win?
“It’s an incredible honor for me to receive this recognition from the fans and enthusiasts in the firearms industry,” she said. “Shooting for me is not just a pastime, hobby, or even passion, it’s my life. I am a third-generation competitive shooter following in the footsteps of my grandfather and both parents and have spent the vast majority of my life training on the range,” added Miculek.
“I turned pro eight years ago and I made it a goal of mine to break barriers for females in professional shooting,” continued Miculek. “I am the first woman to set an NRA World Speed Shooting Record and make Grand Master Class in the USPSA PCC Division. There’s still so much more to do and prove that women are the future of professional shooting.”
“Lena is incredibly disciplined and has set lofty goals for her future and we are honored to support her,” added Tom Taylor, SIG Sauer Executive Vice President. “She’s a driving force behind Team SIG … the sky is the limit for Lena.”