Finding the Right Gun Range for You

We American gun owners may all have been created equal, but American gun ranges aren't. Here's what to look for.

posted on November 17, 2021

Winchester Ammunition pro shooter and regular NRA Women columnist Becky Yackley and her family, the Yackley Five, have been to more ranges in the last six months than most of us will visit in a lifetime. Over the years, she has noticed a positive trend: More and more ranges are waking up to the fact that we women are joining the ranks of gun ownership like never before. What's more, they're starting to learn how to attract us and keep us as customers.

What this means for NRA Women is that the options for a day at the range are better than ever before. As Yackley explains in this video, there are ranges with overnight accommodations; ranges that offer activities for the non-shooters in your family, like rock climbing; ranges that look more like luxury gyms than ranges. Whether you're the kind of shooter who'd rather go it alone on a bare-bones outdoor range or someone who prefers more creature comfort, finding the right range for you is easier (and probably less of a drive) than you think! You can find ranges near you with this great resource from Winchester.


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