CrossBreed Purse Defender: Transforms All Bags Into CCW Purses

Do you always have to buy a dedicated concealed-carry bag? CrossBreed says "nope"!

posted on January 11, 2021

CrossBreed Holsters' Purse Defender answers one of the core questions of off-body concealed carry: Must I buy a dedicated holster purse, or can I buy a holster and move it from purse to purse? As this video from our friends at CrossBreed shows, the Purse Defender is a concealed-carry holster that transforms any bag into a CCW purse. 

The Purse Defender is of particular interest to new gun owners who plan to carry their handgun concealed, but who are still figuring out what kind of on-body holster (or dedicated purse) works best for them. As we know, the first rule of surviving a gun fight is "have a gun." The Purse Defender allows a woman who's just starting her self-defense journey to use her existing purses to have that gun with her should the unthinkable happen. MSRP: $49.95;


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