Cool New Outdoor Gear You Will Actually Use

Take our word for it: Here are a few new items that definitely won't give you buyer's remorse.

by posted on February 15, 2024
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No matter where you hang your hat, there is nothing more important than a good night’s sleep—especially if you regularly convert your tent, van, truck bed or any small space into your nightly landing spot. Remember the old makeshift camping bedrolls that left you feeling the need for a chiropractic adjustment in the morning? Those days are a thing of the past, thanks to Born Outdoor, a Colorado-based company that has created a simplified modular sleep system by integrating a sleeping pad, sheets, and quilts into a protective outer shell. Called the Badger Bed, the classic bedroll has now become a deluxe sleeping experience. While Born had us at “down quilt, self-inflating mattress, flannel or cotton sheets” in describing the original 30”-wide Badger Bed 30 Bundle, its newest edition—the Badger Bed 25—is suitable for smaller body frames and compatible with most 25”-wide mattress and sleeping pads, at a price point that outdoor consumers will find very palatable. Whether you can’t resist the original Badger Bed bundles that will spoil you immediately (with every luxury but room service), or you choose to build a bedroll one quilt at a time, you won’t regret waking refreshed and ready to carry on your hunting, hiking or camping adventures minus the aches and pains induced by uncomfortable sleeping conditions. There are too many comfy, cozy Badger Bed features to list, but check them out here and consider investing in gear that can help make or break the most important part of your outdoor experience: a good night’s sleep.

Ditale Outdoors Expands
We extolled the virtues so much about Ditale Outdoors’ original Sofia Adventure Pant that it’s hard to believe that only one year later we have more good things to report about the pants: the launch of Sofia Adventure Pant 2.0. The changes for the new version are subtle, but for one, the compatibility for suspenders is gone (turns out most women don’t use suspenders!). Second: the addition of two more pockets, which means a total of eight functional durable pockets (deep front pockets along with cargo pockets and two interior zipper pockets, and two low profile back secure pockets). The rest of the features were so good they kept them all (check them out here). We could have listed them all, but we wanted to have room to tell you to check out the Becca Adventure Jacket, which is ideal for mid-season hunts and hikes. This jacket is comfortable, durable, and is packed with features such as hand warmer slots, zipper front hand pockets, chest pocket for your range finder or lip balm, a harness slot and much more. Made just for women with sizes ranging from XXS - XXL in both regular and curvy cuts.

But we saved the most exciting news for last: Ditale is also branching out with a new “Works Collection” designed for the unique needs of women EMTs, park rangers, forestry professionals, law enforcement officers, or anyone who needs high-performance, move-with-you uniform wear. The new Works line will include pants, long-sleeve shirts, short-sleeve shirts, polo shirts and and jackets. "Listening to our community has always been at the heart of Ditale Outdoors' ethos. With the introduction of our Works collection, we are leveraging the quality and performance of our existing hunt line to provide professionals with apparel that exceeds expectations for quality, comfort, and performance," said Virginia Moody, CEO with Ditale Outdoors. Stay tuned in 2024 as the line rolls out.

Just in Case ... 
Women are constantly being accused of having too many bags, but … so what?! Is there a thing as too many? Not as far as we’re concerned. We love options, especially if it’s a new range or gun bag. Just announced by Remington Ammunition is its new collection of range and field-ready accessories, which includes gun cases, shell pouches, and range bags, designed to cater to the needs of shooters and hunters at every level. With three new product lines, Premier, First In The Field, and Gun Club, every firearm owner can find the perfect case, bag or pouch to suit their needs. Here’s how line breaks down:
Premier represents the pinnacle of quality and craftsmanship. The top-tier scoped rifle cases, shotgun cases, range bag and shell pouch are built rugged to provide ultimate protection, even in the toughest conditions. Upgraded with brass hardware, 18 oz. waxed canvas and real leather accents, the Premier series exudes sophistication and durability. 
First In The Field is designed for hunters and shooters seeking top-notch quality. Developed by hunters for hunters, these gun cases feature upgrades built to last, including foam padding, detachable slings, and zippered pockets. Plus, the First in the Field case’s heavy-duty foam padding floats up to 12 lbs., a feature handy in any boat or blind. Available in OD green or Mossy Oak Bottomland, these cases blend seamlessly with outdoor surroundings.
Remington's Gun Club line offers affordable firearm accessories that are both water resistant and durable. Designed with the outdoor enthusiast in mind, these accessories provide reliable protection for your firearms without breaking the bank. Also available in Remington’s new line of range and field accessories to keep your shotguns safe, a new portable tri-fold gun case and neoprene gun sleeve.

Speaking of Bags ...
We dare you to pick just one! GTM Original (Gun Tote'n Mamas) didn't disappoint at SHOT Show 2024 with this colorful display of concealed-carry purses, slings, packs and more. Some of them are size and color extensions for existing best sellers, but all of them are made from the highest quality materials, mostly leather. And trust us, GTM knows leather. Founder Claudia Chisholm, whose family has been in the luggage space for decades, branched off into the CCW market in 2008, with the intent to manufacture equally high-quality and reliable concealed-carry purses. If off-body is your chosen method of carry, why not stash your pistol in the most stylish bags available, in modern designs that will match your wardrobe. GTM's sling backpacks and sling waist packs continue to be hot sellers, and are offered in neutrals like distressed buffalo leather in brown or grey. But as you can see, the company doesn't shy away from color, offering several items in various hues of blue, pink and purple, and a soft lavendar in its waist pack. We even caught a glimpse of a new-for-2024 blue paisley pattern (which appears to have a laminate finish) that GTM founder Claudia Chisholm says is a nod to her "hippie days." Check for all of the new introductions as well as the popular classics.

—Ann Y. Smith, Editor in Chief


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