Concealed Carry at Home: What You Need to Know

Whether you are a woman who works from home, or from an office or business, there are options in what and how you carry after you return from your daily activities outside your abode.

by posted on May 4, 2020
Woman IWB Holster

The choice to own a gun is the choice to invest in our safety and the safety of our family. That choice leads to other decisions. Whether you are a woman who works from home, or from an office or business, there are options in what and how you carry after you return from your daily activities outside your abode. I am going to share a few ideas on things to consider when you carry a firearm at home.

First Things First: What is the Best Choice for Your Home?
Carrying a firearm at home doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to carry on your body. It can refer to your house gun, or the firearm in a quickly accessed cabinet. For me, there are certain times where a gun close at hand makes more sense than wearing one. There are times we cannot wear a gun (the shower and when we go to sleep), but that doesn’t mean we cannot have an “off-body” gun handy.

Not All Carry Solutions are Equal
While everyone might have a different upbringing and understanding in relation to firearms, there are some universal truths we need to follow, no matter the setting in which we use a firearm. Items like the need to follow the rules of firearms safety, the need to properly store ammo and firearms. You want to begin with what you know, find out what else you might need to know, and design your at-home carry plans around that. Key points for choosing a method of carry for your home and property:

  • Does it secure my firearm in a safe manner?
  • Is the trigger guard covered and protected? 
  • Can I actually get to my firearm quickly? 
  • Does it keep young children from accessing the firearm?
  • Do I have to consider any state or local laws if I carry on my property?

Different Solutions for Every Home
I can share what some of my solutions are, but they might not be right for your family. My choice to leave my concealed carry gun in its holster in a particular cupboard where I will pick it up with my wallet and keys the next time I leave the house would NOT be a solution for a home with small children. I could share that a home defense rifle or two are strategically placed, along with ammo. But that also might not fit your home or the people in it. The most important thing you need to do is find the solution that puts your family’s safety first. That might mean you only carry in your home in a manner your children cannot access, like a holster with retention, or an empty rifle with the ammo out of reach of those who shouldn’t have access. Whatever you decide, it has to fit the laws in your area, the people in your home.

Key Points for Carrying a Firearm at Home: 

WHERE: On body, off body, IWB, OWB
WHAT:  Pistol, shotgun or rifle? Do I have additional ammo nearby?
WHY: Do I have children or guests who might come across it and should I change my plan? 
HOW: How often do I inspect this firearm? Do I know how to check if it is loaded? Do I know how to reload it? Do I know where ammo for this firearm is?

Common Sense and Serious Situations
Another item I would add to what makes concealed carry at home a thing you actually do is whether it’s necessary. Do you live in a place that sees home break-ins? Do you have a serious threat, like a stalker? Do you live in a rural setting and have livestock to protect? (This is one reason many rural residents carry daily.) 

Common sense tells us that we don’t have much to fear in our own homes, but when times are uncertain or there are known dangers, the choice to stay armed is logical. To make it happen more easily, work for consistency, but also make it a simple practice to adapt. Buy leggings or comfortable clothing that is designed for carry AND women’s bodies. Find clothing that is “every day” but functions for concealed carry, and then go focus on your life! Find a support group

Women are fortunate to have access to what I would call “support groups” for female firearms owners. There are many organizations that hold ladies-only events and range days, which are welcoming places to ask your questions. Some offer the option to take an online class, and find out what others are doing to stay safe at home. These can be great places to find encouragement for your choice to carry, even while at home. Do some shopping around.

One of the best ways to understand if a piece of gear will work for YOU and how you plan to access a firearm is to test it out. Don’t rule out attending events that allow you to “test drive” products. A range day with a brand or facility might be a great chance to understand whether a particular set up is right for you. The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits is a huge event that has vendors with products you can actually try, and often times purchase on the spot. Shop for brands that will allow a swift return of products that are not right for you.

Make safe and informed choices and be consistent. Whatever way you choose to carry a firearm while you are at home or busy on your private property, some basic truths apply: Having a firearm at hand and accessible is better than having a brilliant solution or the best concealed carry device that money can buy. Some gear can buy you ease in carrying, and comfort ... some even style, but just having your firearm with you is a choice that you have to make on a consistent basis. Making the choice to carry, even at home, is the thing that can save you.

About the Author: Becky Yackley competes in the shooting sports across the country and around the world with her husband and three sons. She has spent much of the last 20 years holding down the fort while her husband proudly serves our country in both the Marine Corps and state law enforcement. Her writing, blogging, and photography are ways that she shares her unique perspective on firearms, competition, hunting, and the Second Amendment, especially as it applies to mothers on their own. She grew up the daughter of a gunsmith, and with her siblings competed in NRA Highpower and Smallbore, and she has since competed in more disciplines than almost any woman involved in the shooting sports. From IPSC, USPSA, Bianchi Cup, 3 Gun and more, she enjoys sharing that to be proficient and knowledgeable with a firearm is within the reach of anyone! She’s the founder a 501c.3, 2A Heritage Ltd., and works with industry partners and other volunteers who share the ethos of bringing new youth into the shooting sports with personal commitment to safely sharing an historically American pastime. 



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