Clamtainer See-In Storage: More than Just Ammo Boxes

This company offers a variety of durable, light weight storage containers for use in the field, at-home organization and emergency preparedness.

by posted on July 29, 2021
Clamtainer 1 images

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” For those of us who enjoy shooting sports, there's another simple device that benefits from some improvements: ammunition boxes. The paste board boxes manufacturers use to ship ammunition tend to be nice to look at but they don't offer much protection from the elements. Because the end flaps are not all that sturdy, they tend to slip open easily and dump out their contents at inopportune times. This often results in loose cartridges rolling around the bottom of a bag or dropping into the dirt.

Clamtainer's Ammo Buddy series of storage containers are a handy solution to managing your ammunition at home or in the great outdoors. These one-piece ammunition boxes are molded from a see-though polymer which is lightweight and durable. Although these containers are not designed to be submerged in water, the overlapping lids do effectively protect ammunition against dust and rough weather conditions. The lids feature the company's Click-It closure which keeps them firmly locked in place until you open it.

Ammo Buddy containers are designed to be caliber specific so as to be just the right size for the job. The storage units are stackable and hold the same number of rounds as typical shipping boxes. It's easy to label these boxes using stick-on labels, painter's tape or writing directly on to the lid using permanent marker.   

The compact Ammo Buddy field boxes are pocket sized with lock-in channels that hold a few spare rounds firmly in place until needed. They are convenient to carry and you can see which rounds you're reaching for without having to open the box. 

But the company didn't stop at ammo boxes. You'll find that there are Clamtainers available for other range gear, including eye protection and ear plugs. The Battery Buddy is available for AA and AAA batteries which is handy if you use electronically amplified ear muffs.           

A variety of containers are available for use around the house. The smaller ones are ideally suited for nails, screws, washers, crafting components and sewing supplies. I put them to work managing small gun parts like choke wrenches, front sight screws and thread protectors.  

If you're assembling camping supplies and emergency preparedness kits, Clamtainer has you covered there as well. Mid-size containers fit nicely into packs and duffle bags to keep small but important supplies well organized including toiletries and first aid items. They say it’s important to keep your gun powder dry, but taking care of your toilet paper is a good idea too. 

Depending on the product you want, Clamtainers are available in sets of five units starting at $9.95. By the way, the company DID build a better mouse trap. It's called the Doom Box and it's a much more sanitary way to handle vanquished pests. To learn more, visit   


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